Tuffy Fort Wayne - Coldwater Alternator Replacement Service in Fort Wayne
January 29, 2023
Your vehicle alternator doesn't get enough credit. Though your battery gets your engine started, after that it's all about the alternator. Driving around Fort Wayne is a lot of work for your alternator, and as upgrades such as heated steering wheels, cooled seats, stability control and lane d... More

Positive and Negative (Battery Care)
January 22, 2023
You notice when your smartphone's battery starts to go weak on you. It runs out of juice faster than it did when it was new. Bet you pay attention to that pretty closely. Unfortunately, many of us don't pay the same attention to the battery in our vehicles. If your battery got you through the c... More

The Truth about Tire Pressure (Tire Inflation)
January 15, 2023
Most light vehicles (under 10,000 pounds/4,500 kg) in North America sold from 2008 model year on have a feature that many people are confused about. It's the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). You may have some experience with it yourself if you own a newer vehicle. Vehicles with TPMS hav... More

"Current" Affairs (Blown Fuses)
January 8, 2023
You may be driving along and find that suddenly your radio stops working. There are no numbers on the display. Then when you get home, you notice the garage door opener doesn't do a thing when you press the button. Hmm, this was working just fine this morning. Are the two problems somehow rela... More

In a Fog (Fogged Windows in Cold Weather)
January 1, 2023
It's bad enough in cold weather when ice and snow block your visibility. Add to that fog on the inside of your windows and you could be driving blind. So here are a few tips on how to keep your windows from fogging up when there's a chill in the air. You probably know fog is really condensation... More